Supporting The McBades In Japan
Ministry and support go both ways. Even if we seem a world apart, we can connect so many ways. Let's connect and support each other.
God guides and provides
Ministry support has always been a challenging concept for us. Do we ask for financial support, or do we keep quiet and let God speak our needs to the hearts of others? Are we not trusting in God if we let others know what our needs are? Are we robbing others of God’s blessings by not declaring our needs to them? What is the middle ground?
We ask that you pray:
We make our praises and prayers always available in our eNewsletters. Sign up and stay in contact!
Please pray that God would guide and direct us as we serve Him here in Japan.
Pray that He would guide and direct you as you desire to partner with us in prayer and financial support.
After careful prayer
We make our praises and prayers always available in our eNewsletters. Sign up and stay in contact! If you would like to know more specifically the needs we are praying for, please visit our “Praying For” page here.
Praying forIf you would like to participate financially
Here are some ways to do that:
Please note: The way to financially support us has changed slightly. If you send funds via mail or in person, they will need to be sent to:
Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks (CCGodspeak) Godspeak Calvary Chapel, 320 Via Las Brisas, Newbury Park, CA, 91320 Be sure to put “The McBades” or “Missions Japan” in the note field.
You can also use their online giving system if that’s easier for you. Godspeak Giving Site Select “Other” from the dropdown In the “Designate Fund” field put “The McBades” or “Missions Japan”
Praying for you
Just as you are praying for us, we want to pray for you, our ministry team. If you have something you would like us to pray with you about, please use our contact form and we will add you to our prayer list.
Keeping connected
Be sure and let us know how our prayers for you are being answered!
We can keep in touch with us through our Newsletter, Emails, Zoom or Skype. Let's keep in touch!