Hospitality House: Misawa, Aomori
Who We Are
We are a small group of believers in Christ whose desire and purpose are to make disciples by demonstrating the kind of hospitality our Lord Jesus describes in Matthew’s gospel: Showing the love of Christ through the sharing and distribution of food and personal necessities, visiting the lonely and orphans, providing a welcoming home for the breaking of bread together, encouraging one another in the Word and through prayer and fellowship, and equipping believers in Misawa to go and do the same.
Why We Are Here
We are here to extend our hearts, our hands, and our home to those in the community with any number of needs. Those needs may be physical, spiritual, or emotional. These ministry opportunities may seem very basic, yet all are real and important. In our efforts to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those in our community, our heart is to fulfill the great commission given to us to “go and make disciples of all nations” because the greatest need of all is to believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and to grow our relationship with Him.
How We Help
At the Hospitality House ministry, we believe the most important kind of care we can provide is to be available for people, to listen to the Holy Spirit, and in a very pragmatic sense, to be like Jesus with flesh on.; Our heart is to make the Love of Christ a bit more tangible to those He brings into our home and into our lives.
We accomplish this through Bible studies, prayer groups, discipleship training, distribution of food and personal items, fellowship clubs such as cooking/ baking, game nights, English conversation, etc.
Where We Are
The Hospitality House is the central focal point of our ministry. It is also the point from which we can reach out to those in the community. We are conveniently located close to downtown Misawa and the Misawa Airbase.